volunteer work

Boys & Girls Club of Hawaii - Nanakuli

Working with the Nanakuli Clubhouse to create a refreshed brochure to match their re-branding.

Outer panels

Outer panels

Inner panels

past work

Website Redesign (Voyager)

Worked on redesign of website alongside Heather D. (P.R. & Marketing) for new data analytics platform approach.


past work

Signup Redesign (Voyager)

Refreshed signup flow and design for web app


Created with Figma

past work

Informational Handout for Air Force (Voyager)

Worked on creating a handout for distribution within the Air Force about Voyager’s Data Science platform. The key goal for this project was to create a professional publication that was information rich, yet easily broken-down.

Final Draft.png

past work

Design Forward Summit Poster

Worked on creating poster for Design Forward Summit - D4SD Civic Design Competition.
